IP Support Unit


Specialist A. Özge EKEN KARATAYLI

Tel: +90 312 202 2023      Fax: +90 312 202 2628        

E-mail: ozgeeken@gazi.edu.trpatent@gazi.edu.tr

She was born in 1978 in Ankara. She obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in Statistics from Middle East Technical University. While she was working in Ankara Patent Bureau as a specialist in the Patent Department between the years 2002-2004 she was made a Turkish Patent Attorney. While she was working in Grup Ofis Patents & Trademarks Agency as a specialist on Foreign Procedures in the Foreign Procedures Department between the years 2005-2007 she was made a Turkish Trademark Attorney. She attended WIPO certificate programs on "General Course on Intellectual Property", "Advanced Course on Electronic Commerce and Intellectual Property", "Advanced Course on Patents", "Advanced Course on Intellectual Property Management" and attended several seminars related to Intellectual Property Rights both in Turkey and abroad. Since July 2007 she has been working by Gazi University IP Support Unit. 


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